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Name: AIR (FR) 

Date Performing: Friday, 29 November 2024


Often imitated but seldom equalled, French duo Air tuned a whole generation into the sounds of chilled electronica with their retro-futuristic masterpiece ‘Moon Safari’ in 1998, and the ubiquitous singles ‘Sexy Boy’ and ‘Kelly Watch the Stars’. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of their landmark debut, Nicolas Godin and Jean-Benoît Dunckel are performing ‘Moon Safari’ live in its entirety, a mesmerising show that The Guardian described as “a wild, jawdropping, widescreen extravaganza”—and which hits Hong Kong for the first time on Friday November 29. Miss this one at your peril.

講起近30年最有影響力嘅法國電音 icon,除咗 Daft Punk,點可以唔提 Air?呢隊由 Nicolas Godin 同 Jean-Benoît Dunckel 喺九十年代中期組成嘅二人組合,一出道就憑藉首張大碟《Moon Safari》奠定經典地位。十首優雅迷幻嘅太空電音帶人來回月球又折返,更成為 downtempo 和 electronica 音樂嘅重要藍圖,影響力至今無人能及。
Air 亦備受不同界別界青睞,曾為名導演 Sofia Coppola 嘅處女電影《The Virgin Suicide 鎖不住的青春》配樂及交出浪漫神作〈Playground Love〉,亦為《Lost In Translation 迷失東京》譜寫〈Alone in Kyoto〉,烘托 Scarlett Johansson 獨遊京都嘅氛圍。康城影后 Charlotte Gainsbourg 亦把其個人專輯《5:55》所有曲目全交由 Air 創作。
加上《10 000 Hz Legend》、《Talkie Walkie》等出色作品,Air 喺法國可謂國寶級人馬,早前更獲邀於巴黎奧運閉幕式作為國家代表演出,坊間一致絕讚。今年適逢《Moon Safari》25 週年,Air 將首度訪港,喺 Clockenflap 週五壓軸登場,並破天荒首次全碟足本由頭玩到尾加埋精選!唔想錯過現場感受〈Sexy Boy〉、〈Ce matin-là〉等金曲嘅機會,就要mark實日子準時買飛等入場喇!