Name: CODY・LEE (李) (JP) 

Date Performing: Saturday, 30 November 2024


Formed by frontman Hibiki Takahashi and college friends in Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture in 2018, Cody・Lee (李) are known for their effervescent brand of sunny Japanese indie-pop. Since launching their own label, Sakuramachi Records, in 2020, the band have released three albums, including this year’s acclaimed ‘The Last First Love’, while garnering a loyal fan base across Asia and beyond. Following on from sold out shows in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Taipei, they’re on course to conquer Hong Kong next when they make their Clockenflap debut on Saturday November 30.

因為一首至今在YouTube已獲過千萬觀看次數嘅〈我愛你〉而引起樂迷矚目嘅日本新銳樂團 Cody・Lee(李) 近年海外人氣持續攀升,以充滿速度感嘅懷舊風格喺台灣、香港以至美國吸納唔少新fans。對中文似乎情有獨鍾嘅佢哋,更遠赴台灣拍攝〈在夜市再見〉MV,年初更邀曾與草東沒有派對合作嘅台灣導演劉立執導〈烏托邦〉MV。2022年推出首張專輯《心拍数とラヴレター、それと優しさ》,除咗早期經典〈江ノ島電鉄〉外,〈異星人と熱帯夜〉、〈世田谷代田〉等新曲同樣大受歡迎,佢哋今年推出主流出道後第二張大碟《最後の初恋》,繼先前造訪台北台中曼谷等城市後,將會喺 Clockenflap 2024 作香港首演,fans們梗緊係要把握機會嚟睇live啦!