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Date Performing: Friday, 29 November 2024


With their signature rapid-fire delivery and genre-hopping beats, Creepy Nuts are putting the Japanese hip-hop scene firmly on the global map. The duo have exploded since the start of the year courtesy of their viral hit ‘Bling-Bang-Bang-Born’, which has clocked up more than half a billion plays on Spotify and YouTube, but they also have serious pedigree: DJ Matsunaga won the DMC World DJ Championships in 2019 and rapper R-Shitei was crowned Japan’s top battle MC for five years in a row. 

由MC「R-指定」加上 DJ松永 嘅嘻哈二人組 Creepy Nuts,前者從中學開始rapper生涯,以機關槍說唱風格馳名,曾經作為大阪代表喺 ULTIMATE MC BATTLE 全國冠軍三連霸,後者更係世界最大型DJ比賽「DMC WORLD DJ CHAMPIONSHIPS」2019年嘅Battle部門冠軍,係名乎其實嘅世界級組合。
早以〈のびしろ〉、〈墮天〉等單曲於日本當地走紅,先後五度登上《THE FIRST TAKE》,今年憑藉人氣動畫《肌肉魔法使-MASHLE-》片頭曲〈Bling-Bang-Bang-Born〉硬生生打入國際市場,狂奪30多個國家嘻哈排行榜冠軍;三月份時〈BBBB〉連同傳唱度極高嘅日劇《極度不妥》主題曲〈二度寢〉作雙A面單曲發行,相信亦會係 Creepy Nuts 年尾登上 Clockenflap 2024 首度香港公演時,台下反應最熱烈嘅時刻!