Name: Golden English Party 英語金曲復興運動 (TW)
Date Performing: Saturday, 30 November 2024
One of Taiwan’s most famous DJ crews, Golden English Party (GEP) are known for their wildly eclectic sets that span everything from disco, funk and pop to drum’n’bass, garage and hip-hop, while also getting the audience to play along on recorders! Led by former DMC World DJ Championship Taiwan Champion DJ QuestionMark, along with DinPei and DJ Afuro George, the trio combine serious turntable skills with party anthems and audience participation to create a vibe that’s as unique as it is infectious.
面對相似音樂文化轉變,一海之隔嘅台灣就有班樂迷想回帶從前英文歌嘅美好黃金年代:由 DMC 世界DJ大賽台灣冠軍,曾獲金曲獎及金音獎提名嘅 DJ Questionmark 發起「英語金曲復興運動」,以班主任身份走訪台灣不同音樂場景日播夜播心愛金曲,憑品味與觀眾連結,好快就打響招牌,今年更受邀代表台灣參加今屆巴黎奧運官方活動「巴黎文化奧運」。喺 Clockenflap 2024,佢將會帶同 DJ DINDIN 及 DJ Afurogeorge 帶大家感受「英金」嘅魔力,幫你搵返幾首會想即刻add入”Liked Songs”嘅英文金曲!