Name: IDLES (UK) 

Date Performing: Friday, 1 December 2023


Visceral, ferocious and instantly energising, Bristol post-punk heroes IDLES make music that comes straight from the heart. Since shooting to fame with their no-holds-barred debut album ‘Brutalism’ in 2017 and the Mercury Music Prize-nominated follow-up ‘Joy as an Act of Resistance’ the following year, Joe Talbot and Co. have blazed an electrifying trail with searing live performances at arenas and festivals all over the world, including memorable sets at Glastonbury and Coachella in 2022.

With the highly anticipated release of their fifth album, TANGK, the upcoming performance of this incredible band in Hong Kong is set to be an absolute powerhouse!

Don’t miss their Hong Kong debut at Clockenflap, get your tickets now

時隔四年,終於請到佢哋返嚟喇~ 極惡英倫大叔樂隊 IDLES 十二月首度香港公演!

以兩位中同老友 Adam Devonshire 與 Joe Tablot 為核心嘅 IDLES,有前者以關刀一般嘅bassline劏出條條大路,放任 Tablot 狂暴細訴嘶吼傾吐,講句我愛你都講到好似要殺咗你咁,生人勿近。樂隊推出首張大碟《Brutalism》後即被譽為近十年英國最佳朋克代表,續作順利入圍2019年水星音樂獎,迅速成為世界各地音樂節寵兒。

繼加入夜店舞曲元素,進入更高壓狀態嘅《Crawler》後,IDLES亦宣布即將發布名為《TANGK》嘅第五張錄音專輯,搵嚟 Radiohead 御用監製 Nigel Godrich 聯合主理。今個十二月IDLES 帶同新作硬棍衝擊Clockenflap,誠意推薦樂迷嚟享受畀大叔鬧爆嘅刺激感。