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Date Performing: Sunday, 1 December 2024


One-third of Mercury Prize-winning British indie act The xx, Jamie xx has also carved out a career as one of the most in-demand producers and remixers in the world, working with everyone from Radiohead and Four Tet to Rhianna and Florence and the Machine. He makes his Clockenflap debut hot on the heels of the release of his highly anticipated third album, ‘In Waves’, his first solo release since 2015’s critical and commercial smash ‘In Colour’, which features collaborations with the likes of Robyn, The Avalanches and Honey Dijon. 

出道時以超人氣獨立樂隊 The xx 身份為人認識,亦係陣中唯一唔需要主唱嘅成員,Jamie xx 踏出舒適圈第一步,係與饒舌老祖宗 Gil Scott-Heron 合作,將佢生前最後一張專輯《I’m New Here》以全碟remix方式重新製作成《We’re New Here》,喺當時音樂圈投下一顆超大震撼彈:現時常見嘅碎片化電音美學、刻意抽離人格嘅auto tune處理、融合dubstep與IDM嘅玩法,都可以喺呢隻碟中聽見。
加上〈Far Nearer〉、〈All Under One Roof Raving〉等單曲嘅成功,Jamie xx 一躍成為英國拆解主義代表,無論係grime/ UK garage/ house/ breakbeat樂種一一順手拈來,並喺 2015年推出集大成嘅首張個人錄音專輯《In Colour》 —— 除收錄有 The xx 隊友跨刀嘅〈Loud Places〉、〈Stranger in a Room〉等單曲,與 MC Moose 合作嘅〈Gosh〉更滲出既復古又有未來感嘅溫暖情懷,一出即經典。
近年活躍於Coachella、Primavera、Sonar等世界級音樂節舞台,又為Frank Ocean、Tyler, The Creator、Skrillex等大名擔任幕後,被視為本世紀最具影響力製作人之一嘅 Jamie xx 今年相繼推出〈Baddy On The Floor〉、〈Life〉等先行單曲,上週末終於推出時隔九年嘅第二張錄音大碟《In Waves》,將會喺 Clockenflap 首度單飛香港公演,真心必睇。