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Date Performing: Friday, 29 November 2024


A decade on from the release of his chart-topping debut album ‘Worlds’, Atlanta-born DJ/producer Porter Robinson is still an artist at the top of his game. Drawing on influences that range from ambient synth music and hyperpop to pop-punk and turn-of-the-millennium rave, Robinson has concocted a shimmering brand of electropop that is all his own. He makes his Hong Kong debut on the back of the release of his third album, this summer’s eclectic ‘Smile! :D’, with a full live show that is not to be missed.

15歲開始以DJ身份打入EDM世界,未幾即被電音巨頭 Skrillex 收編廠牌 OWSLA 旗下,Porter Robinson 首張大碟《World》打入Billboard電子音樂/舞曲類榜首,再連續七年獲DJ Mag選為世界百大DJ,完全係天才少年郎。
喺發表現象級單曲〈Shelter〉後,逐漸傾向以製作人身份活動嘅 Porter Robinson 開始喺作品及演出中融入更多次文化元素,例如日本動漫、虛擬現實、Y2K美學等等,並於2021年推出第二張大碟《Nurture》,運用趨近童趣嘅手法,繼續以明亮旋律節奏抒發個人情感疑惑,聽起上嚟既想跳又想喊。
今年推出嘅《SMILE! :D》再次獲得 Anthony Fantano、Pitchfork、The Line of Best Fit 等正面好評,被形容為 Porter Robinson 生涯最真誠坦蕩嘅作品,年尾佢將會首登 Clockenflap 舞台,作歷來最大型香港公演!