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Name: SUEDE (UK)

Date Performing: Saturday, 30 November 2024


From 90s indie heroes to one of British rock music’s most enduring acts, Suede have seen and done it all in a career that spans 35 years. Kicking off with their Mercury Prize-winning self-titled debut in 1993, the Brett Anderson-fronted outfit blazed a trail across the decade, establishing themselves as the discerning indie fan’s band of choice while continually evolving, both in sound and personnel. After breaking up in 2003, Suede haven’t looked back since reforming in 2010, releasing four more albums and demonstrating why they’re still one of the most electrifying live acts around. Don’t miss their Clockenflap debut, a special 90-minute set.

九十年代初以〈The Drowners〉、〈Animal Nitrate〉等黃金單曲迅速爆紅,Suede 喺1994年推出嘅第二張大碟《Dog Man Star》走暗黑華麗嘅實驗史詩風格,唔單只係Britpop年代影響力深遠嘅鉅作之一,亦位列英國搖滾史上最具代表性嘅專輯。
經歷過解散重組後,Suede 自2013年回歸專輯《Bloodsports》起,不論喺錄音室抑或舞台上展現出令人意外嘅生猛力量;兩年前發表嘅《Autofiction》融入post punk元素,野性程度直頭係新band咁款,依然能令樂迷驚喜。
喺Britpop四巨頭之中,Suede 向來係與香港緣份最深嘅一組,由99年訪港人氣迫爆會展玻璃上新聞,到後來主音 Brett Anderson 多次訪港訪到有人傳佢黃埔有層樓,每次都係帶來傾力精彩演出。今次係Suede第一次玩Clockenflap,將為樂迷帶來超足本90分鐘嘅特別加長版演出!無論你係新舊fans,都應該超期待週六晚喺維港同佢哋現場大合唱〈Saturday Night〉嘅珍貴時刻!
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