Name: toe (JP) 

Date Performing: Sunday, 1 December 2024


Known for their deliciously intricate instrumental compositions, Japan’s toe have been conjuring up their own spellbinding blend of post-rock and math-rock for a quarter of a century. Combining complex arrangements with flawless musicianship, the Tokyo-based four-piece released their debut album, ‘The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety’, in 2005, following it up with the critically adored ‘For Long Tomorrow’ in 2009, and ‘Hear You’ in 2015. Back with their first album in almost a decade, this summer’s superb ‘Now I See the Light’, their Clockenflap show promises to be something very special indeed.

既係日本當地將math-rock發揚光大嘅重要旗手,亦係將日系math-rock推畀全世界樂迷嘅指標性樂團,toe 自2005年以經典器樂大碟《the book about my idle plot on a vague anxiety》橫空出世以來,一直維持極高創作水平。憑住計算刁轉但隨性大力嘅拍子感,toe築構出難以預測、各種樂器時分時合嘅獨特律動,隨住樂團不停前進銳變,亦融合爵士樂、R&B、電子音樂等各種元素。
喜愛透過玩live累積創作能量,toe平常多以演出為樂團活動中心,慢工出細貨嘅佢哋今年七月發行第四張錄音大碟《NOW I SEE THE LIGHT》,係繼2018年EP《Our Latest Number》以來,睽違六年嘅最新作品,期待喺 Clockenflap 再見識佢哋嘅現場功架!