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Date Performing: Sunday, 1 December 2024


Fresh from the release of his sixth solo album, the brilliant ‘No Name’, the one-and-only Jack White makes his long-awaited Hong Kong debut at Clockenflap, with the former White Stripes, Raconteurs and The Dead Weather front man poised to bring the festival to a triumphant conclusion on Sunday. Aptly described as “the coolest, weirdest and savviest rock star of our time” by The New York Times, White has been rewriting the rock rule book for more than a quarter of a century, and remains one of the most influential figures in music.

如果聯合國要有一首主題曲,相信提名〈Seven Nation Army〉唔會有太多人反對 —— 尤其係冇歌詞大合唱版本。
獲ESPN選為十大體育聖歌,該曲自2003年推出後,為 The White Stripes 贏得兩座格林美獎,20年來喺唔同賽事盛事傳唱,進入串流時代依然能夠累積超過20億點播,而呢段洗腦旋律嘅主人 Jack White 歷年來亦以不同身份,贏得12座格林美獎座,成為家傳戶曉嘅巨星級結他手。
曾組 The White Stripes、The Raconteurs、The Dead Weather 等硬派樂隊,Jack White 除咗有一把相當易認嘅搖滾男高音,佢嗰手狠辣、兇暴、有如巨獸咆哮嘅結他演奏,先至係樂迷人生必聽必睇嘅金漆招牌。從藍調、garage rock、鄉村音樂等曲風中淬鍊出強烈個人風格。2012年發表首張單飛專輯《Blunderbuss》後開始涉獵更多元素,Jack White 今年推出嘅第六張個人大碟《No Name》,回歸其最擅長的原始藍調搖滾風格,能量及感染力爆滿,綜合樂評網Metacritic顯示各大媒體清一色給予正評,獲86分高度評價。
貴為當代搖滾旗手,Jack White 將會在 Clockenflap 2024 作歷史性首度香港公演,於週日主舞台壓軸演出!