Name: JVSY (HK) 

Date Performing: Friday, 1 December 2023


After years as classical and pop musicians, Jovin Lee and Atlas Iu (aka BURN and telvanni26) joined forces in 2021 to create the techno DJ/producer duo JVSY. Known for their cross-genre explorations that span house, techno, electronica, drum’n’bass, nu-jazz and more, JVSY also incorporate organic instruments and found sounds into their compositions to create their signature cinematic sound. Don’t miss their Clockenflap debut, get your tickets now.

從「JVSY at Live at HYPEBEAST SOUNDS 」嘅錄影,見住Jovin與Atlas兩位對住一堆器材扭扭擰擰,呢個本地雙人DJ/製作人組合最先令人留下印象係佢哋冷靜姿態,然後就係聽覺上聯想到Tycho、Kiasmos等色水冰冷但節奏感強勁嘅北歐系大佬。今年連環發表〈Fade〉、〈Visions〉、〈Gradully〉、〈Someone〉四張以女孩子們做封面嘅單曲,並收錄於首張錄音大碟《Dark Matters》,雖然 JVSY 面世只係兩年左右,但高水平嘅電音live set值得樂迷追捧期待。