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Name: MUI ZYU (UK) 

Date Performing: Saturday, 30 November 2024


Under the moniker mui zyu (which means “cutie piggy” in Cantonese, a childhood nickname given by her family elders), Belfast-born Hong Kong-British artist Eva Liu crafts sonic realms that are full of surprising twists and intriguing contrasts. Her enchanting vocals tangle with otherworldly strings, tape-mangled drum machines, traditional Chinese instruments and sugary pop melodies to create what The Guardian called “playful pop that’s left-field and tender, dissonant and melodic all at once. Following on from her lo-fi 2023 debut ’Rotten Bun for an Eggless Century’, mui zyu makes her Clockenflap debut on the back of her recent cosmically charged sophomore album ‘Nothing or Something to Die For.’

北愛爾蘭出生,英國長大嘅港裔女生 Eva Liu 以兒時家中長輩嘅暱稱「妹豬」為代號,自2021年開始發表個人音樂作品,透過創作去探索多元文化背景對自身成長嘅影響,有時係坂本龍一,有時係電子遊戲音效,有時係父母開嘅中餐館,有時係 David Lynch 嘅電影《藍色夜合花》 —— 糅合成〈Talk to Death〉、〈zi oi 自愛〉等夢幻電跳嘅DIY流行小品。今年 mui zyu 推出第二張錄音大碟《nothing or something to die for》,於 Metacritic 上得到8.1分綜合好評,又再將其中五首改以中文填詞,變換成〈當娜喜歡寄生蟲〉、〈冷靜如青瓜〉等介乎半唐番與尋根之間嘅另類廣東歌,從香港人角度去聽特別有趣,千祈唔好錯過佢今次喺 Clockenflap 2024 嘅演出!
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