Name: SAKURAZAKA46 櫻坂46 (JP) 

Date Performing: Saturday, 30 November 2024


One of the most popular girl groups in Japan, Sakurazaka46 are ready to take on the world with their euphoric dance-pop sound. Originally known as Keyakizaka46, they collective routinely sell out huge venues in their homeland, including Tokyo Dome and ZOZO Marine Stadium, and last year also performed at the 2023 Asia Artist Awards in the Philippines, where they were honoured in the Best Musician and Popularity categories. Their first Clockenflap appearance will also mark their long-awaited Hong Kong debut.

全日本最受歡迎嘅國民級女團之一,由創立AKB48的著名作詞家和日本偶像文化推手 秋元康 擔任總製作人,櫻坂46 前身為同樣人氣極盛嘅「欅坂46」,2020年改名後重新出發嘅首支單曲〈Nobody’s fault〉創下極佳成績。2023年回歸《NHK紅白歌唱大賽》 殿堂,今年六月 櫻坂46 舉行第二次東京巨蛋演唱會,引來超過11萬粉絲捧場。
自去年開始展開海外活動,櫻坂46 率先喺巴黎、吉隆坡亮相,以非一般嘅舞台魔力喺當地吸粉成功;今年底選址 Clockenflap 作初次香港開唱,將會係首個登上我哋 Harbourflap 主舞台嘅日本偶像女團,完全imagine到現場氣氛將會熱烈到不得了!