Date Performing: Saturday, 30 November 2024


An anarchic collective who combine Japanese taiko drums and traditional Korean instruments with an irrepressible punk spirit, TURTLE ISLAND are truly a band like no other. Formed in Toyota City in 1999, this “tribal hardcore punk orchestra” have been bringing their one-of-a-kind sound to audiences in their native Japan and around the world for a quarter of a century, lighting up venues and festivals with a live show that’s raucous, unpredictable, and utterly life-affirming. Trust us, you don’t want to miss this one!

1999年於日本愛知縣豐田市創立,TURTLE ISLAND 呢個名喺北美洲原住民神話中,可以指係代表整個地球,十分乎合呢隊從亞洲各地音樂文化中尋覓吸收日和節拍嘅神奇組合。
佢哋自組成起運用多種民族樂器如日本太鼓、韓國傳統敲擊樂器鈸和杖鼓、塔布拉鼓、非洲鼓、西塔琴、馬頭琴、太平簫等等,加上大家熟悉嘅搖滾三件頭(結他、低音結他、套鼓),玩出既有濃厚民族特色,又由 reggae 到 punk 都溝得埋嘅獨特風格。TURTLE ISLAND 四分一世紀以來舞台足跡編遍布世界各地,每次都玩出祭典一般嘅熱鬧氣氛,喺 Clockenflap 2024 現場絕對會畀到驚喜大家!