Name: YAMA (JP) 

Date Performing: Sunday, 1 December 2024


Enigmatic genderfluid Japanese vocalist yama has been making waves on the Japanese music scene since early 2020, when the artist’s first original song, ‘Haru wo Tsugeru’, composed by Vocaloid producer Kujira, became a viral hit. This was followed by 2021 debut album ‘The Meaning of Life’ and 2022’s ‘Versus the Night’, propelling yama to the forefront of the J-Pop scene, a position that was underlined by this year’s impressive ‘Awake & Build’. Playing Hong Kong for the first time, yama is sure to win legions of new fans at Clockenflap. 

由網路素人歌手,到成為負責《國王排名》、《機動戦士ガンダム水星の魔女》等人氣動畫OP嘅 yama,係日本「覆面系」歌手嘅最新銳代表;一如近年冒起嘅 Ado、Mission、真夜中等以不同方式隱藏面相嘅藝人,yama 同樣選擇隱藏個人訊息,以連帽衛衣x藍髮x白色面具形象示人,純粹用音樂與世界接觸。
憑住高低變化自如,時而慵懶時而充滿力道嘅超磁性唱腔,即使身份神秘但依然無礙 yama 爆速走紅。2020年,yama 以原創曲《春を告げる》主流出道,一舉登上Spotify趨勢排行榜首,至今已累積破億串流點榜。今年推出首張大碟《awake&build》後聲勢更盛嘅 yama 將於 Clockenflap 2024作首度香港公演,期待已久嘅樂迷梗係要嚟捧場啦~